Global Action Team

Global Action Team

MBC's Global Action Team (GAT) is responsible for ensuring that local and worldwide mission is one of MBC's priorities, for encouraging prayer for local and worldwide mission, and for allocating part of MBC's budget to mission causes.

As a church we at MBC are outward-looking, keen to see where God is moving and seeking to get involved when we are called to do so. As a result we have ‘mission partners’ in the UK and abroad. These are other charities doing great work for God that we work alongside and support.

Local mission initiatives supported by MBC include Stroud District Foodbank and Webnet's Mission through Ministry.

A major worldwide mission initiative supported by MBC is Operation Restoration's ministry to street adolescents in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.  MBC also supports Christian outreach in India and Tanzania, and Tearfund, a major Christian relief agency.

That's not the whole story, because MBC also supports initiatives by BMS World Mission and Open Doors which are too sensitive to mention online.

Do you have a question about the local and worldwide mission initiatives supported by MBC?  Alun will be more than happy to respond to your emailed enquiry.

Learn about how MBC is helping street children in Bolivia: download the brochure and standing order form.

GAT is led by Alun Davies.