Welcome to the MBC website!
We’re glad you’re here.
At Minchinhampton Baptist Church, we see ourselves as a family who want to love and grow closer to Jesus, and to love and show compassion to the world.
Don’t rush off! Stay for coffee, refreshments and snacks after the service and make some new friends. Find out about the other things we’ve got going on during the week.
Whether you are exploring faith for the first time or looking for a church to belong to, there’s something for everyone to be involved in.
I’m Visiting
We’re looking forward to meeting you!
We gather from 10am on Sunday mornings for a contemporary style of informal worship with youth and children’s church, so bring the whole family. Just look for the old Cotswold building with the doors open. There’ll be someone there to greet you.
Minchinhampton Baptist Church is part of the Christian Church in Minchinhampton.
MBC also belongs to few organisations that keep us accountable in our legal practice and theological principles:
Members of the Baptist Union of Great Britain.
Members of the Evangelical alliance.
A Registered Charity (1126338).
These pages will tell you about us - what we believe as a church, what our priorities are, and what activities we organise.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch using the form at the bottom of our home page.
We'd love to share more about the Christian faith with you! Please go to: www.christianity.org.uk