MBC Connect Groups
You might know them as home groups, life groups, mid-week Bible studies or cell groups. We call them connect groups because they allow us to connect to God, connect to one another and connect to our wider community.
These groups are a reflection of Jesus and his discipleship, to equip and enable us to live out Christ’s calling on our lives every day – not just on Sundays.
All Connect Groups are different, varying in size, focus and frequency of meeting. Some focus on Bible study, prayer and accountability, whereas others might meet around a shared interest or with the aim of meeting a specific social need.
Afternoon Fellowship
First Tuesday in the month, 2.30pm.
Sue Fairley
An Expression of MBC in Tetbury
To encourage and empower one another so that we might be a blessing to our community.
Mondays fortnightly, 7 pm.
Andy & Raewyn Platts
Connect, the Missional Community based in Bussage
To help each other live as intentional missional disciples in our neighbourhood. To seek opportunities to engage in the local community. To prayerfully explore how God might want us to respond to our neighbours and show and share God’s grace in Bussage and beyond.
“Thrive”: 4th Sunday in month (11am – 1.30pm). Informal reflection, worship, bring & share lunch;
Connect midweek: monthly (dates vary from month to month);
Hilltop Breakfast: 2nd Saturday in month (9am-10.30am);
People’s Patch Community Allotment: Mondays (as weather permits) 10am – 12 noon.
Alisdair &
Rosslyn Longwill (01453 883308/07837 364003),
Dave &
Cheryl Shears (01453 731487)
Women’s Discipleship Group
We use Bible studies, discussion and prayer to grow and deepen our faith as we seek to support one another to be better followers of Jesus.
Thursdays 10 – 12 in the Church Centre, term time only.
Rowena Stapleton, Diane Davies, Sheila Smith
"Heretics" men's fellowship & Bible study
We meet from 10.30am to 12 noon on Thursday mornings in one of our houses. We read through a passage of the Bible and with help from some notes we aim to bring out and encourage comments and prayer from the group.
Jim Coubrough 01453 297974
The Believeners
Mondays 7.45-9.30, term-time.
Charis Cook 07757 947471 and Sarah Fudge
The Shortwood Connection
Named for the historic connection with MBC (and the location of the current group leader) but focused on the present and future. We meet to support each other in prayer and in practical ways, to spend time in worship and to deepen our knowledge of the Bible and our relationship with its author. Wednesday evenings in each other’s homes around "Greater Nailsworth".
Gary Raw 01453 452276
The Group around the Park
A group that meets together to study the Bible and support each other through prayer and friendship.
Wednesdays fortnightly 8 pm at various venues in Minchinhampton.
David Roberts & Nick Stening
The Hilltop Group
Discipleship, fellowship & support, encouragement for individual ministries outside the church.
Wednesday evenings 7.45 - 9.15 pm, currently on zoom.
Graham & Yvonne Hobbs