Sunday mornings at MBC
Sunday worship at MBC is a time to enjoy God's presence and learn from him.
We normally meet for worship and Bible teaching at Tetbury Street at 10.00 am while our
children and young people have their own age-appropriate activities. At certain times of the year (Christmas, Easter Sunday, Remembrance Sunday and during the school summer holidays) we may do things differently. Please check the website calendar for details.
The Bible says, “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” We aim to do that every Sunday morning. Sometimes in the words of the great old hymns of the Christian faith, sometimes with contemporary new songs. Sometimes with up-beat celebratory worship and sometimes in quiet reflection and thankfulness for God’s continuing involvement in our lives.
Preaching at MBC is always Biblical, thought-provoking, memorable and life-related. We believe that the Bible is God’s (relevant) Word to us today. So what we teach and how we aim to live centres around that. We are continually discovering that new friends to our church are amazed at how relevant the Bible is to modern-day living. We try to hold the Bible in one hand and today's newspaper in the other, and to make the link between God's truth, which doesn't change, and our constantly-changing world with all its dilemmas.
A lot of different people work behind the scenes to make this happen. Worship leaders and preachers, singers and musicians, our prayer ministry team, our technicians, welcome team and caterers.
Sermon archives
Audio recordings
YouTube video recordings
For those involved in Sunday worship:
Click here to view the full rota